San Diego Mesa College Workbook Excel File

DescriptionPart 1 – Create your file and Import your dataStart Excel creating a new Blank workbook using Excel 2016 or 2019Save the file with the Name _Excel_Exam2Files created in older versions of Excel may not earn full credit!Enter the appropriate Excel...

Java Question

DescriptionPart 1Items that people can purchase must implement the Item interface:/* * Represents an item purchased at an e-commerce web site. An item has * associated with it an item id (the unique stock number for this item), * an item name (a string name for the...

AIST 2120 Augusta University Self Written Code Project

DescriptionProject 1a: Word MirrorThis is a simple little utility with a twist. I can’t really think of a useful purpose for this particular script in real life, but the general concept of parsing and modifying a file word-by-word is VERY useful. Regardless, the goal...

CIS 276 Strayer University Widget Sales Company Project

DescriptionWidget Sale Company Project Phase 2Project OverviewYou have been retained by Widget Sales Company (for more information, see Widget Sales Company Project Overview [DOCX]), an international company with offices in 25 countries, to develop a website that will...