

To analyze the strengths and weaknesses of eyewitness testimony and how it relates to memory processes


Please answer the following questions:

  1. How does the lost-in-the-mall technique relate to eyewitness testimony? Use at least two vocabulary words from the textbook in your answer. 
  2. Based on what you learned in the chapter and the videos, should we allow eyewitness testimony in trials? Discuss AT LEAST two reasons why or why not?
  3. Now, find an article about the effectiveness of eyewitness testimony. Summarize the article and discuss how it relates to the textbook content and videos. Has your opinion changed on whether eyewitness testimony should be allowed? Please include the link to the article in your response. 
  4. Review another classmate’s article and analysis. Give your opinion about whether you agree or disagree and why. 

Introduction to Psychology E-book link: OpenStax Intro to Psychology

Please watch the assigned videos in order:

  • Read chapter 8 of your textbook
  • Watch this video about how we make memories
  • Then my mini lecture activity on memory (note- you will need a piece of paper to do the activity. This will not be turned in).
  • And finally this video on memory implanting false memories (used for an assignment)


Hi there, would reply to this discussion please,

1. The lost-in-mall technique can relate to an eyewitness testimony because when a person is going through something that isn’t going through the rehearsal stage of our memory, it isn’t going to get transferred to long-term memory. This is important because someone’s face isn’t going to be completely recognizable if someone witnesses a person doing something for the first time like a crime. What doesn’t help either is when a witness is shown a range of photos of a possible suspect, they can go through the misinformation effect paradigm, where information is distorted when it’s already not in long-term memory. Someone can be completely convinced of something when shown misinformation and can convince themselves that something happened when it didn’t.

2. I personally think that having an eyewitness is a good way to start a trial and get a feel for what happened, but I don’t think it should be completely reliable to close a case. This is difficult however because while yes there are a lot of false accusations especially regarding rape, it is also extremely difficult for men and women to get justice from their abuser due to there being only evidence of an eyewitness. However, with the amount of evidence regarding false memory syndrome, I think investigators should do better at digging deeper and using things like DNA samples in scratch marks, things like that to close a case.

3. In the

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