
The focus of the concept paper is to choose one of the laws, policies, settlements, and acts contained in the course content and examine the effects this had and continues to have on Alaska Native communities. There are several listed and linked within the Instructor Lessons and Weekly Folders for the Federal Indian Law and Policy, Indian Country, and Law Enforcement in Alaska and the ANCSA – Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act units.

Each paper needs to be at least 3 content pages, double spaced, 12pt. Times New Roman Font and 1” margins. Please include at least 3 references to the course content and other reliable resources with appropriate citations in a consistent format (APA, MLA, or Chicago accepted). The papers can be submitted as a word document or a Google doc on Blackboard. Please carefully review the expectations in the rubric to achieve the number of points you wish to earn on this assignment. Your paper will be graded on both content, conventions, and writing so please proofread for spelling and punctuation errors prior to submission.

Here is a list of suggestions:

  • Native Village of Venetie I.R.A. Council v. Alaska, 944 F.2d 548, 562 (9th Cir. 1991)
  • John v. Baker, 982 P.2d 738 (AK. 1999)
  • Native Village of Nenana v. State of Alaska Dept. of Health & Social Services. 722 P.2d 219 (AK. 1986)
  • Kaltag v Hogan (09 960)
  • Public Law 280
  • Indian Civil Rights Act 1968
  • Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1971
  • Indian Financing Act 1974
  • Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act 1975 (PL 93-638)
  • Indian Health Care Improvement Act 1976; reauthorized 2010
  • Indian Child Welfare Act 1978
  • American Indian Religious Freedom Act 1978 (amended 1996)
  • Indian Tribal Government Tax Status Act 1982
  • Indian Land Consolidation Act 1983
  • Tribally Controlled Schools Act 1988
  • Indian Gaming Regulatory Act 1988
  • Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act 1990
  • Native American Heritage Day Act 2009
  • Tribal Law and Order Act 2010
  • ANSCA: Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
  • ANILCA-Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act

PLEASE NO PLAGIARISM (In own words and article citations)