
Module 5 – Case

DSP Research Proposal Presentation and Approval for Proposal Defense

Case Assignment

In Module 5 Case you will receive your peer-review feedback from a fellow student concerning your DSP Prospectus / Proposal. Upon receipt of the peer-review, conduct a review of the comments and address any pertinent comments or observations that will add to the overall quality and readability of your intended DSP Proposal. Not all comments may be addressed depending on the quality and appropriateness of the comments themselves, however each student should be prepared to defend their own rationale for incorporating or not addressing the editing comments in their own revised proposal. Comments addressing the peer-review comments and how they were addressed within the revised DSP Proposal should be contained in the following “change matrix” formatted templated provided below for submission of this assignment:

Title of DSP:
DBA Candidate:
Reviewer’s recommendation How addressed Page numbers in
DSP where change

A1. The author must clarify their research questions to align with their research problem.


RQs have been reworded to more clearly identify the two variables being compared: the dependent variable which is the ratio of (a) cash flows from operating activities to (b) earnings from continuing operations, compared when the independent variable, fraud, is yes or no. The two constructs that make up the dependent variable are well known in accounting and finance literature and are not defined here.

p. 12

Assignment Expectations

Your assignment will be graded using the following criteria:

  • Assignment-driven Criteria: Student demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment
  • Critical Thinking/Application to Professional Practice: Student demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem, and analyzing information. Conclusions are logically presented and applied to professional practice in an exceptional manner.
  • Business Writing and Quality of References: Student demonstrates mastery and proficiency in written communication and use of appropriate and relevant literature at the doctoral level.
  • Citing Sources: Student demonstrates mastery applying APA formatting standards to both in text citations and the reference list.
  • Professionalism and Timeliness: Assignments are submitted on time.