Choose 2 problems that you have worked on and write up your solutions. At this point, we haveworked on 2 different strategies (Working Backwards, and Finding Patterns). Some students have alsoworked on River Crossing Problems. If you were absent one day, you can find copies of the handoutson Canvas under Files/Resources. You cannot use the problems which I did in class (the problems onthe front of each handout). Do not choose only the easiest problems.
Remember, part of being able to solve problems is being able to communicate your solutions to others.For each problem, indicate where the problem came from (Ex Working Backwards Handout problem#4) and write up a solution using complete sentences and proper English. You may use diagrams,charts, pictures and/or whatever else will help you explain your solution. Pictures go a long way! Youdo not have to type it up, but it must be neat.
You will submit a draft of your solutions to Canvas by noon on 3/24/21. You will receive 2 points forhaving 2 solutions written up. You will then be trading solutions and doing some peer editing. Youwill read another student’s solutions and offer comments/suggestions for improving. You will beearning up to 2 points for your peer editing. These 4 points (having your solutions and editingsomeoneelse’ssolutions)can onlybeearnedbybeinginclass(andhavingyoursolutionsdone)on3/24/21.
You will then revise your solutions to be turned in on 3/31/21. On this day, you will submit your copy of your solutions to Canvas.
Below I have attached all of the resources you need including the finding patterns worksheet. Select two problems write up solutions and do not only choose easy problems.