Using the handout on rhetorical situations, analyze the rhetorical situations of three of your own pieces of writing:
- First, think of three pieces of writing you’ve done over the past few weeks (this could be formal assignments, emails, status updates, etc.)
- Identify each component of rhetorical situations for each piece:
- Who is the communicator or writer?
- What’s the issue being addressed?
- What is the author’s purpose in addressing this issue?
- What is the form or genre?
- Who is the audience?
- What is the context?
Read this piece from Time, “Why Telling the NCAA to Pay Players Is the Wrong Way to Help College Athletes.”
Take note: Your aim in this rhetorical exercise is not to figure out where you stand on this issue; rather, your aim is to evaluate how effectively the writer establishes a logical appeal to support his position, whether you agree with him or not.
Use these steps from Elizabeth Browning’s book to evaluate logos in this piece:
Step 1: Once you have a general idea of the article, read through it and pay attention to how the author organizes information and uses evidence. Make note of these instances.
Step 2: After reviewing what you noticed in Step 1, evaluate the organization of the article as well as the amount and types of evidence that you have identified by answering the following questions:
Does the information progress logically throughout the article?
oDoes the writer use transitions to link ideas?
oDo ideas in the article have a clear sense of order, or do they appear scattered and unfocused?
Was the amount of evidence in the article proportionate to the size of the article?
oWas there too little of it, was there just enough, or was there an overload of evidence?
Were the examples of evidence relevant to the writers argument?
Were the examples clearly explained?
Were sources cited or clearly referenced?
Were the sources credible? How could you tell?