
In this discussion, you will chat with your classmates about the assigned readings for this week.

Initial Post (due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday)

Select the This I Believe essay that you found most interesting from the Assigned Readings for this week.

Assigned Readings:

Capo, N. (2011). Teacher.This I Believe.

Coyne, W. (2007). Creating our own happiness.This I Believe.

Lantry, J. (2005). The power of love to transform and to heal.This I Believe.

Porter, C. (2015). Moving beyond stereotypes. This I Believe.

Then, write a post where you do the following:

(1) indicate the core value(s) that the author presents in the essay

(2) discuss why you find your chosen essay interesting

(3) explain a personal connection you have with the author’s core value(s) and experiences

(4) demonstrate basic sentence structure

Sample Initial Post

Inher essay, “We Are All Stardust,” Kimberly Woodberry shares her corevalues of spirituality and interconnection. I found Woodberry’s essayinteresting in that she expresses both our reliance on the divine and oneach other as human beings. This idea really resonates with me because Ialso believe that we are all bound together by our common humanexperience and that a higher being orchestrates it all. The personalconnection that I can make with Woodberry is that her core values ofspirituality and interconnection were largely shaped by her father. Asthe daughter of a minister, it is my father who really helped me tounderstand the divine and how our lives are connected with the lives ofothers.

Peer Response (due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday)

Respondto at least one of your classmates and comment on any aspect of theirpost. In writing your response, you should consider the followingquestions:

(1) What was your reaction to her/his selected essay?

(2) What about the selected essay stood out to you?

(3) Can you relate to your classmate’s personal connection with the author?

Sample Peer Response

Thankyou for sharing your thoughts on Woodberry’s essay and your personalexperiences. I had a very different reaction to “We Are All Stardust.”While I understand Woodberry’s perspective, I have never really embracedthe idea of a higher being. I certainly believe that we are largelyimpacted by our connections to others, but for me the “divine” is notpart of that. I do find it interesting that Woodberry’s values and yourvalues were really impacted by your experiences with your fathers. Ihave never really thought about the impact of my father’s values on myvalues, but as I think more about what he believes, it is clear to methat I share many of his values. I guess our upbringing impacts us inways we don’t always realize.

Week 1 Topic 2: Your Core Values

In this discussion, you will share one of your core values, and you will examine the core values of your classmates.

Initial Post (due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday)

Select one of your core values and write 1-2 paragraphs where you:

(1) identify the value and explain why it is important to you and

(2) tell how you developed this as a core value.

(3) demonstrate proper capitalization and use of apostrophes

(4) demonstrate basic sentence and paragraph structure

Peer Response (due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday)

Respond to at least one of your classmates and comment on the following:

(1) Do you share the same core values or are your values different?

(2) What do you think is the source of any similarities or differences between your and your classmate’s core values?