As a way to synthesize the materials for the week, please write a 300-500 word paragraph that engages the important ideas and themes for the module. You are required to cover the following areas:
- In your post, you must include reference three of the materials for the week — two of the three starred materials for the week are required as material you are references, plus one other video, reading, podcast etc. of your choice, which could be the third starred source. Please BOLD the names of the readings/concepts in your post. (Academic citation is NOT necessary in this Weekly Post)
- A significant connection of one of these concepts to your individual life must be included.
- Proper grammar and spelling is required.
- In a SECOND section of the post, at least one key term must defined in the writing using your own words (simply copying and pasting a definition from a reading or lecture is not acceptable).
- In a THIRD section create a discussion question that engages module concepts and invites people to think critically about connections with other material or their lives. You will post this discussion question (and only the discussion question) to your assigned group discussion board for other classmates to respond to.
Please note:
- LATE POSTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please plan accordingly. We will drop the lowest two grade, so if you miss the deadline and receive a zero for two posts, that will not affect your grade in the class.
- Grading criteria will be used as present or absent. No partial credit for the criteria will be given.