
Servant Leadership: Observe and Analyze: Tom Mullins

Observe & Analyze

In the Observe and Analyze (OA) section, you’ll view the video(s) depicting servant leadership at work, where a servant leader, Mr. Tom Mullins, from the local community, implements some of the servant leadership principles and traits effectively. As you analyze the video(s), you will gain a deeper understanding of servant leadership principles and traits and gain insight into how Tom Mullins implemented them.

Tom Mullins interview part 1 (Links to an external site.)

Tom Mullins interview part 2 (Links to an external site.)

Tom Mullins interview part 3 (Links to an external site.)


Consider the following prompt:

What do you think about Tom Mullins as a servant leader ?

Engage in the discussion by answering following questions:

What persuaded Mr. Mullins to be of service to your colleagues and community?

How important is it to be able to lead from different seats and how has this helped for successful outcomes?

How has developing other people in their professional life helped with your personal success as a leader?

Which of the servant leadership traits does Tom Mullins relate to most?

Of the three priorities by Joe Larocca, author of Servant Leadership in the Workplace (developing people, building a trusting team, achieving results), which one Mr. Mullins rank as the most important?

Maintaining appropriate netiquette is crucial to ensuring that the discussion forum offers a rich learning experience. Be specific, use an appropriate tone and language ( Avoid non-verbal cues, sarcasm, and humor which can be mistaken as insulting or cold), embrace the diversity among course takers, and actively participate)