Link to the Ted Talk available here:
Be sure that your responses are adequate and to the point. Make answers gender neutral.
Most of the answers to the questions below come directly from the video. There are a few questions which are considered Personal Reflection questions and are thus indicated as such in parentheses to avoid any confusion.
1.According to the speaker, what exercises, when done correctly and safely, are one of the most powerful ways to control your mind and your body, your nervous system, and your endocrine system?
2.What system of the body is activated when were stressed and is associated with the fight-or-flight response?
3.How does the speaker describe the differences between the inhale and exhale as it relates to our emotional experience?
4.Describe the theory of water breathing.
5.Describe the theory of whiskey breathing. What is its primary use? What happens if we overuse it too much?
6.Describe the theory of coffee breathing. What is its primary use? What happens if we overuse it all the time?
7.Describe the mechanics of water breathing.
8.According to the speaker, what does water breathing do to our breathing rate?
9.Practice ten rounds of water breathing and use the space below to indicate how you feel after completing the practice. (Personal Reflection)
10.Describe the mechanics of whiskey breathing.
11.According to the speaker, what happens after ten rounds of whiskey breathing?
12.Practice ten rounds of whiskey breathing and use the space below to indicate how you feel after completing the practice. (Personal Reflection)
13.Describe the mechanics of coffee breathing.
14.Practice three rounds of twenty reps of coffee breathing (with the speaker) and use the space below to indicate how you feel after completing the practice. (Personal Reflection)
15.According to the speaker, what is happening in your body when you practice coffee breathing?
16.When is the appropriate time to practice water breathing?
17.When is the appropriate time to practice whiskey breathing?
18.When is the appropriate time to practice coffee breathing?
19.According to the speaker at the end of the Ted Talk, what is the importance of taking control over our breathing?
20.Indicate at least one thing you learned from this Ted Talk that was significant to you and what might be the benefit of applying these teachings in your life? (Personal Reflection)