
Following your role play presentation, I’d like you to reflect upon your experience in a 1-2 page paper. This part of the assignment should be completed individually, not as a group. For this part of the assignment, I’m looking for the following:


  • Explain how you felt while doing the in class role play activity (be specific):
    • What was challenging?
    • What was easy?
    • Did you work well with your partner(s)? Why/why not?
    • How did acting out a scenario help you in your understanding of the concept?
    • Was it difficult to integrate an additional concept into your demonstration and to use key words from the text? Why or why not?
    • How is the communication concept assigned to you applicable to your daily life? Provide an example. 
    • Identify a communication concept another group presented. What did you learn from their demonstration?


L – Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming to our meeting today.

E – Thank you..what will we be discussing today?

L – Today we will be discussing the nation’s plan towards climate change. I will need to know everyone’s personal position so that we could work together to find a solution. Eniola, you could go first.

E – I believe that climate change is real and you can see the effects of it during our time. E – What about you, Liezel?

L – I believe climate change is not real.

E – Why not?

L – Why would you believe in climate change when there is no hard evidence that climate change or global warming exists?

E – Winters are colder, summers are hotter. Sometimes there are odd climates in different regions. For example, this winter, the entire midwest and midsouth regions of the United States experienced a super winter storm with frigid temperatures. I think we should establish a law that would reduce the carbon emissions and keep forests intact.

L – Ok, so….. you mentioned that this winter some states experienced frigid temperatures…*slight pause*…isn’t that what winter is?! *in passive aggressive tone* ex of ambushing

E – Winter does bring cold temperatures but usually Texas does not experience winter temperatures below 32F…this winter they hit as low as single digits.

L – *while Eniola is talking, look around, look down to phone while nodding* ex of pseudolistening

E – We humans have been emitting huge amounts of greenhouse gases, like CO2 and methane, from burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests. Greenhouse gases are gases that trap heat into the earth’s atmosphere and cause our climate’s temperatures to rise. The trapped heat causes the melting of the ice caps 6x faster than usual, raised sea levels, and heavy rainfall.

L – So, you mentioned that there is heavy rainfall. Where I live the rain is a normal amount. What’s the problem? Ex of selective listening

E – Climate change doesn’t just pertain to you… *confused tone*

L – *interrupts, in aggressive tone* You women never know what you are saying! Climate change is not real and we are not spending money to “fix” it. The weather is how it always was and if there are odd weather patterns, we will just prepare the states affected with safety precautions. Ex of role of gender in communication

E – We will have to take this up to our supervisors…maybe they will listen to us women.