
problem 1: u02-c1: Leveraging Baldrige at AtantiCare

Go Chapter 10, page 547-549 and do the following: Read the case study and Answer the two questions at the end of the case

problem 2 : u04-c2: Harley-Davidson

Go Chapter 3, page 134-136 and do the following: Read the case study and Answer the two questions at the end of the case

problem 3 :u03d2 – Choosing Strategy

Describe how an organization’s strategy development can result in a clear direction for managing quality. How might differences in strategy result in different approaches to thinking about, measuring, or improving quality? Does strategy imply core competencies that would be the central focus of quality management, or could your quality management thinking be developed independently of any chosen organizational strategy?

problem 4 :u06d2 – Mission-Process Alignment

Our text reading this week describes roles for mission, vision, and values (guiding principles). To the extent that we want to be able to manage quality in any particular organization, we need these statements to be clear and accurate because they define the organization. We need to know what the organization intends to be before we can even begin a discussion of quality.

Discuss your interpretation of what these constructs mean and describe ways in which you would expect an organization to be impacted by having either particularly good or bad ones. What do we mean by good or bad in this context? Have you seen examples of good or bad statements? Assuming these statements are good enough to be usable, how do you expect them to impact your quality program?