
Follow the link below to a Virtual Field Trip of the Marin Headlands. The field trip is allows you to literally explore the Marin Headlands Terrane north of San Francisco. You will virtually travel from location to location and see closeup of the outcrops and rocks with accompanying descriptions. At several locations you will have short video presentations from colleagues and friends Dr. Callan Bentley and Dr. Christie Rowe as well as other geologists. You should carefully go location through location looking at all of the photos, reading the descriptions and watching the videos at several locations.

Note: Field work is a mandatory part of the curriculum for Introductory Geology you MUST complete this field trip activity and turn it in to receive credit for the course. Follow the link below to a Virtual Field Trip of the Marin Headlands. The field trip is allows you to literally explore the Marin Headlands Terrane north of San Francisco. You will virtually travel from location to location and see closeup of the outcrops and rocks with accompanying descriptions. At several locations you will have short video presentations from colleagues and friends Dr. Callan Bentley and Dr. Christie Rowe as well as other geologists. You should carefully go location through location looking at all of the photos, reading the descriptions and watching the videos at several locations.

Note: Field work is a mandatory part of the curriculum for Introductory Geology you MUST complete this field trip activity and turn it in to receive credit for the course.

Navigation map for virtual field trip of the Marin Headlands


The above photo shows the main view for the virtual field trip. To advance from location to location simply click on the advance arrow on the navigation bar (lower left of your screen). You can also back up if you wish but you should simply advance from location to location within the virtual environment of the Marin Headlands. Next to the advance button is a counter, showing you how far into the 28 locations you have come. Questions in the field trip worksheet are tied to these location. Note, not all locations have a question but you will miss things if you skip and there are summary questions based on your experience with all locations at the end.

The side panel shows closeups of outcrops and video clips for discussions and has a description at the base. If you have assistive technology on your computer or device you could highlight these descriptions and have them read to you. You should click on the images themselves to get close ups of each image for best viewing. You will need to do this for any video lecture. If in expanded picture mode you can get back simply by clicking on the “x” in the upper right.

alternate field navigation

Alternate Navigation in the form of a table of contents is also shown. If this appears simply go down from location on top to the next location. It will give you the names of the locations but not numbers. You will advance from top to bottom scrolling as needed to the next location until you get to the end of the field trip. Sometimes you can inadvertently go from the simple advance navigation to the table of contents mode. This is from an errant click. If this occurs simply find your location in the table of contents and then follow the navigation from there, depending through the list.


As you go through the field trip you should have with you the questions you will need to answer for submission. Most of the questions involve your learning from multiple stops or the entire experience. It would be best if you take a few notes towards your answers as you go so you can easily answer the questions at the end. You can upload your answers to field trip questions as you have done with your laboratories. The assignment is to fully participate in the Virtual Field Trip and to complete answers to the questions posed in your field trip worksheet. This assignment will take you several hours to complete just as if we were spending most of a Saturday in the field. It is recommended that you complete the assignment of a shorter not longer time stretch which would be closer to what we would do in the field and keeps you from forgetting key points before answering questions.

Link to Street Car 2 Subduction: Virtual Field Trip of the Marin Headlands