Contents of Pop Star Influencer File: Complete the file by following the structure given below. Include the section headers provided and respond to each prompt. Do not exceed 600 words, section headers included.
Pop Star Profile
Name of pop star:
Demographic info (age, gender and sexual identity, race, ethnicity, nationality):
Years active as musician:
Style/genre of music:
Critical reception:
Commercial success (awards, sales, Billboard charts)
Causes, Issues, Politics, Philanthropies involved in:
Song or two representative of their artistry and success:
Social Media Platforms and Influence Metrics
Active SM platforms:
#followers on each:
Other rankings/metrics you can find:
Social Media Activity
Frequency of posts (last 30-60 days):
Content of posts (last 30-60 days): Was focus on their product/art? Promoting it to drive streams, views sales? Social issues, political issues, humanitarian issues, human rights or humanitarian issues? Does the pop star repost other content? What sort?
Analysis of Results
Discuss the significance of what you found. This analysis can be tailored according to what you think is significant. But the following questions might help you. Is this pop star already active in social or political causes? What causes or social issues does this pop star make common cause with or show support for? How significant is this in their social media activity? How would you characterize the pop stars personality and approach on social media? Is the pop star a community builder, a striver, militant, moderate, transformationalist, etc. How would you assess their legitimacy and authenticity as a spokesperson? Is their SM activity and persona consistent with and reflective of their music and musical style?Pop Star Activism Social Media Influencer Paper