
Watch the following videos and read both papers and answer the 3 reflection questions listed below. You can use external sources to answer the questions but make sure to cite the sources using APA:

Fred Taylor

1. Watch this ABC News video on Taylorism:

2. Watch this Organizational Communication Channel video on Scientific Managment:

3. Read and enjoy the transcript from Taylor’s Congressional testimony (pp. 102-104/105 in particular): (you might have to copy and paste this link into a browser to get to the reading–the hyperlink isn’t working through Blackboard)

Hawthorne Studies

1. Watch “The Year They Discovered People” video:

2. Visit and explore the “Human Relations Movement” website through Harvard University:

Reflection Questions

1. How does Taylorism exist in your workplace and/or organizations with which you are familiar? And how does the 2021 version of Taylorism differ from the philosophy/methods of the early 1900s? Or does it???

2. In his Congressional testimony, Taylor talked about a “mental revolution” that must occur in both owners and workers for the true benefits of organization to become real. Do you think that Taylor’s ideas are too idealistic? Describe examples of organizations that have successfully modeled cooperation between owners and workers to bring about exceptional trust and performance.

3. Describe the importance of the Western Electric/Hawthorne Studies on management and organization theory and the influences that it had on the ways that we structure organizations and people.

**Remember, these are reflection assignments and not formal research projects. In your 5-6 page write-up, make it clear that you have studied and processed the material AND ALSO reveal your thoughts through examples and personal connections to the concepts. An informal writing style is preferred. If you want to cite material from our textbook in your write-up, simply place the material in quotes and provide a page number. If you cite material from an external source, provide the citation in APA format. Type up with a standard,11-12 point font, one inch margins, and double-spaced (you know, just normal formatting).**