It must include a minimum of 3 references for approved sites. Cover sheet does not count as one page, bibliography will count towards total. Don’t write about American football, please. You can write about soccer World Cup, Olympic Games and so on.
Outline & References
Perfect Met or exceeded minimum requirements 30 |
met minimum requirements, not all quality references 20 |
did not meet minimum requirements, not all quality references 10 |
No reference page 0 |
Paper is correct length.
Excellent Paper. Required length for individual or group 50 |
Very good Paper; short by 1 page 25 |
Very basic paper. Short by two pages or more. 10 |
Paper Body |
Understanding of the content is apparent, clearly reported & exceeds minimum expectations 50 |
Understanding is apparent. Met minimum requirements 40 |
Rudimentary awareness of the content but understanding is not evident. Left out important support information 20 |
Important information was not reported & did not support statements 10 |
Creativity and substance |
Went well above and beyond the basic assignment requirements 20 |
Showed some creativity 10 |
No creativity 0 |
References /30
Power Point /50
Presentation /50
Creativity /20
Total Points ____________/150