
Film/video Case Studies. Students will identify a fictional organization from a film or television source (such as feature films, television series) and evaluate them based on the subject matter presented in class and the text . Examples include the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club in Sons of Anarchy, Hogwarts School in one of the Harry Potter films, the mafia in one of the Godfather films, the federation in Star Trek, or any of many examples of business, military units, police departments, hospitals, or schools represented in film or television. The student will produce a final paper that provides an analysis of the organization they studied. Papers should present a clear, thoughtful and organized essay in the light of both the organization under analysis and the conceptual material covered in readings and in class. Papers should be 3-5 pages (excluding cover and references) and follow APA guidelines.

For this assignment, evaluate a fictional organization based on the symbolic frame.