Colors of hate
I still do not discern the existence of the terms black and white. Specifically, I find no significance of the existence of these terms in humanity. Talking of the existence of the white people and the black people is disturbing. The society keeps getting stratified and the spirit of unity is fading off. It is even more painful to hear the news that the black are discriminated against. It is awful to have segregation of humans in terms of skin color.
They say black is violent
The stereotyping is killing the modern world
I wish all were green
And though civilization has prevailed. I fail to understand why color is a big deal. I have witnessed color becoming a line. The free intermingling of black and white is fruitful. Globalization is overwhelming. The black and white ought to fade away.
I stand to be colorless
Whether black or white will not matter
You and I are human
Because all the skins hide red blood
I ask all to admonish racial profiling
1. It looks like you have submitted an extended or crown of Haibuns or perhaps you are submitting two? I will offer feedback to both.
2. “Colors of Hate” be sure to place “Hate” in sentence case because it is a title. It’s a strong title. As the reader, I don’t naturally associate the word “colors” with hate.
3. Consider beginning the poem with, “I find no significance of the existence of the terms black and white in humanity.”
4. The Haiku at the end of the first Haibun is a bit wordy and doesn’t follow the numerical syllabus count. Consider:
“Black is violent
Stereotypes kill the world
I wish all were green”
Second Haibun
5. As the reader, I am not sure what the writer (you) mean when you say, “The free intermingling of black and white is fruitful.”
6. “And though civilization has prevailed”is a strong line.
7. Consider removing “the” and instead, “Black and White out to fade away.”
8. The Tanka is a good one, but still a bit wordy (more than the allotted syllabus count) consider:
” Colorless, thats me (5)
Black or White, doesn’t matter (7)
We are all human (5)
All skin colors hide red blood (7)
I ask all to stop hatred (7)
9. Justin there are a lot of strong lines here and I really like that I can hear your passion around the subject come through in the writing.
Professor A.