Question Description

I’m studying and need help with a English question to help me learn.

Purpose of the Assignment: To allow you to examine the rhetorical situations involved in communicating technical information to a lay audience. To do this, you will complete a labor market analysis of your chosen career field.

Step 1: Go to the Web site for the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( You can copy this URL into the search window at the top of your screen.

Step 2: Answer the following questions about your career field in paragraph form:

  • What is the nature of the work?
  • What training, other qualifications, and/or advancement are needed for you to enter and progress in your career field?
  • What is the outlook for the job you want to seek in your career field?
  • What are the earnings and wage projections for your job or career field?
  • What are some other occupations you can consider as an alternative (choose three), and what are the training requirements/qualifications for those positions?

Step 3: Use the formatting guidelines for a short report, including the title page, headings, line spacing, and the integration of charts and graphs into your report. The paper will be approximately eight to ten pages long, single-spaced.

Report Components: These components must be included in your report:

  • Title page
  • Answers to the six questions above, each designated with a heading and discussed in paragraph form.
  • Two charts, tables, or graphs that display and interpret pertinent quantitative information.
  • Conclusion that summarizes your discussion and answers these questions:

Why do you want to pursue the career you have chosen? Why do you think this career is a good fit for you? What are your strengths and weaknesses and how do they enhance and/or hinder your chances of gaining employment in your desired career field?

You may find the document called “Notes Concerning the Labor Market Analysis Report



Students will:

  • Identify individual discourse communities and find and analyze their characteristic texts, evaluate their credibility and principles, and apply relevant aspects of their information to other contexts and arguments
  • Analyze the details of a wide variety of writing situations (textual elements such as tone, evidence, organizational patterns, diction, even visuals) according to the author’s purpose as well as the audience’s needs and tastes
  • Identify how a writer uses rhetorical strategies in various genres of writing
  • Interpret, analyze, and evaluate demanding texts
  • Apply critical thinking skills and reading strategies to evaluate their own writing and the writing of fellow students
  • Reflect on their own progress as a working writer in relation to critical thinking and reading strategies
  • Develop flexible strategies for creating, revising, and editing texts
  • Write with an awareness of audience and purpose
  • Identify how discourse communities employ particular strategies for conveying, researching, evaluating, and presenting information
  • Analyze and choose the appropriate conventions for a range of audience expectations
  • Integrate a variety of appropriate sources into their writing in a way that accurately reflects the writer’s meaning and purpose
  • Document sources appropriately
  • Sustain reasonable correctness in grammar and mechanics to perform well in a variety of writing contexts and professional settinigs