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Im trying to learn for my Excel class and Im stuck. Can you help?
Use the data set labeled with the first letter of your FIRST name. A Click on the DATA TAB and then selectDATA ANAYLSIS B Select t-test: 2 Samples Assuming Unequal VariancesCInputs:? Variable 1 Range: 1st Column of Data, including heading? Variable 2 Range: 2d Column of Data, including heading? Hypothesized Mean Difference: 0?click on Labels? Alpha : .10? Output Range: click on New Worksheet ply2. T-Test: 2 Dependent Samples (Paired)TestFrom the Class Survey Data File, using data from the Paired Data Sample sheet —Use the data set labeled with the first letter of your LAST name.A Click on the DATA TAB and then selectDATA ANAYLSISB Select: t-Test: Paired Two Sample for MeansCInputs:Same as for above Test3. See Assignment Submission Form A & C State your Test Decision & Basis for the Decision: This is Step 5 of a hypothesis test and state what values are you comparing to make your decision. Do not state all the steps of a HTB & D InterpretationAnalysis of Results: This is Step 6 of a HT application of results to context.?It is suggested you read the Survey Question (from the Survey Question sheet of the Survey Data File) for the response variable being tested.?Whether you reject or fail to reject, the issue then becomes what is some plausible reason or explanation or interpretation for the outcome the test produced? ? Responses should be concise, clear, and organized.? You are not asked to state H0 and H1, but it will help you answer B & D. See next page.First Name!Last Name!