
For this short written assignment, you will answer the following questions in your paper:

Title of question: Routine – Explain the differences between routine and non-routine problem solving. Please give at least 2 examples of each in your discussion.

Title of question: Analogical – What is the basic idea behind analogical problem solving and reasoning? What is the source problem? The target problem? How effective is it to present a source problem and then the target problem, without indicating that the two are related? Please use examples to demonstrate your understanding.

Title of question: Experts -What is an expert? What are some differences between the way experts and nonexperts go about solving problems? How good are experts at solving problems outside of their field?

Title of question: Errors -Describe how the following can cause errors in reasoning: availability heuristic; illusory correlations; representativeness heuristic. Please use examples to demonstrate your understanding.

Title of question: Rule Discovery – How is solving a problem through rule discovery different or similar to other problem solving methods?

In answering the questions, please include:

Cover page (one page by itself) – You do not need an introductory or conclusion paragraph. Just a cover page, answers to questions and explained below, and a reference page.

Start your discussion of each question by using the title of the question. For example, your first line should be: “Title of question: Routine – “

After the title, write your answer. Each answer should be no less than 500 words and credit, in APA style, given to the authors in which you used to answer the questions.