
Please review and revise with the following corrections:


  • Please correct spacing all of the way through the paper.
  • The purpose of this research paper is to develop recommendations for (who?) at (where?) to help them limit access to their networks and encryption.)
    • Who – Struttoh organization,
    • Where – located in California,
  • Direct this paper to speak to the CEO and customers of Struttoh Organization
  • Please add subheadings throughout the Literature Review to illustrate organization by theme as well as your thought process for approaching the problem.
  • Center all Subheadings
  • The Discussion is where you use the information presented in the Literature Review to focus on the specific problem.No new information is to be introduced in the Discussion—move any new material to the Literature Review.
  • Please Correct all references formatting
  • Please keep paper on topic in problem statement
  • Please revise the following to stick to topic updating the following:




  • Summary of the data collected and how they were collected
  • Findings of the results in relation to your project


?Conclusion and Recommendations


  • Discuss findings and conclusions from the results
  • Provide bulleted list of recommendations


?Management Research Analysis and Synthesis document


  • Review the entire document for any changes and improvements that you would like to make.
  • Ensure that this final version of the document is sufficiently detailed, on topic and fully speaks to customers and CEO of the Struttoh Organization


  • Letter of transmittal and table of contents
    • Develop a letter of transmittal addressed to the identified audience.
    • Add a table of contents to the final draft of the research paper.