Young Adults (Millennials) Coping with Losses; Someone or Something.Singled-Spaced. Times New Roman “11”. Cover page, Reference Page APA.
1) Discuss at least three issues and challenges young adults face? Offer at least 2 in text solid reference APA style. Minimum 500 words.
2) Select and focus on one of the issues and develop the topic in detail and in depth. Offer at least 2 in-text solid references APA style. Minimum 500 words.
3) Propose productive and effective ways that potentially may help young adults to cope and manage life challenges and turmoil. Offer at least 2 in-text solid reference APA style. Minimum 500 words.
4) Personal Perspective: Share one of your experiences related to a loss of Something orSomeone. Propose a creative short title to your story. Discus the impact this loss had on you. How you coped? Who helped and guided you? The challenges going through the grieving process. Also discuss any other thoughts and feelings that you think are important and that may help others to better cope with losses. Minimum 500 words.
Paper Requirements:
at least 2 different resources for every question. In-text citation.
Preferences APA style.