
For this response paper, we are focusing on providing a summary of ONE article, AND THEN an analysis/response of the article on its own or in conversation with other articles.

For the summary, you must select ONE of the following articles:

1.Hoagland, S. 2007. Denying Relationality: Epistemology and Ethics and Ignorance, in Race andEpistemologies of Ignorance. SUNY Press. Pp. 95-118

2.Ladson Billings, G. 2005. The Evolving role of Critical Race theory and Educationalscholarship. Race Ethnicity and Education 8 (1): 115–119.

3.Tuck, E., & Yang, K. 2014. Unbecoming claims: Pedagogies of refusal in qualitative research.Qualitative Inquiry, 20(6), 811-818.

And also professor gave us a guidelines for how to write a summary and qualities of a summary. PLEASE read this carefully and write follow these guidelines.