write minimum 100 words for each question
A – Carrie
1976 film (98 minutes) of the same name. The original, a sensitive young girl, bullied by her high school classmates, finally has a memorable, gory meltdown at the prom! With John Travolta, directed by Brian DePalma from the Stephen King novel. Can stream on Amazon Prime. Also look at Carrie novel for questions that ask about specific pages from novel and questions about the novel. (Just to understand the questions well enough)
1. Why is Carries mother so obsessed with Sin of Intercourse and the Curse of Blood? What does that have to do with her past?
2. The final line of the Carrie is As she felt the slow course of dark menstrual blood down her thighs. Why might the novel end with that event?
B – Salems Lot
View original film. Salems Lot (1975). TV mini-series Salems Lot 1973 (183 minutes). Original available on streaming services YouTube, Amazon Prime and others. Also look at Salem’s Lot novel for questions that ask about specific pages from novel and questions about the novel. (Just to understand the questions well enough)
1. According to Salems Lot, what is the sequence of events/reactions when a character is bitten by a vampire?
2. What is the relationship between Father Callahans thoughts on pp. 239-40 [I want to lead a division . . . into battle against evilfor example] and what happens to him on pp. 534-42, 549-50?
C – The Shining
Read the novel, view the original film just to understand the questions well enough)
1. What is the function/role of Chapter 7 (In Another Bedroom)? What does it contribute to the story line? Why might it be placed here in the novel?
2. Jacks relationship with his student George is treated at some length in the novel (but not in the film). What is the role of George in the story and why might King treat it at such length?
D – Geralds Game Read the novel, view the original film just to understand the questions well enough)
1. The book and the narrator insist on a connection between her life/marriage to Gerald and her experience during the eclipse with her father. Why? What is the connection?
2. At the end of Chapter 34 Jesse has passed out in her car. In Chapter 35 we are much further into the aftermath and her recovery. From a story telling point of view why is the rescue jumped over and why does Jesse write the letter to Ruth?