
After watching video, list three points that impacted you. Explain in a substantive manner why the points resonated with you.

  1. Many people believe that they have a true self buried inside of them. From this perspective, the development of self is about discovering a psychological truth deep inside. Do you believe this to be true? How does thinking about the self as an actor, agent, and author bear on this question?
  2. Psychological research shows that when people are placed in front of mirrors they often behave in a more moral and conscientious manner, even though they sometimes experience this procedure as unpleasant. From the standpoint of the self as a social actor, how might we explain this phenomenon?
  3. William James wrote that the self includes all things that the person considers to be “mine.” If we take James literally, a person’s self might extend to include his or her material possessions, pets, and friends and family. Does this make sense?
  • Explain the basic idea of reflexivity in human selfhood—how the “I” encounters and makes sense of itself (the “Me”).
  • Describe fundamental distinctions between three different perspectives on the self: the self as actor, agent, and author.
  • Describe how a sense of self as a social actor emerges around the age of 2 years and how it develops going forward.
  • Describe the development of the self’s sense of motivated agency from the emergence of the child’s theory of mind to the articulation of life goals and values in adolescence and beyond.
  • Define the term narrative identity, and explain what psychological and cultural functions narrative identity serves.

After you read the chapter and do the activities in the unit box, complete this forum:

After you read the chapter and do the activities in the unit box, complete this forum:

When completing the forums, you may choose any four (4) important/interesting topics found in the chapter to address. Please number each item (#1, #2, etc.). Write a substantial paragraph about each item. Do not simply repeat what the authors stated. Instead, write what you conceptualized about each item. REVIEW THE SYLLABUS FOR EXAMPLE.  Your discussion of each topic must be substantive. One to three liners will not garner full credit. T

I have three different questions and the last one needs to have four paragraphs.