
1. There are a lot of variables to be considered in the die casting process. For example, the variables of importance are melt temperature, dissolved gas content, die temperature and its distribution, plunger velocity and its variation during the stroke, chamber pressure, cavity pressure, and gas composition. These are the just a few of many that need to be considered. 

In this lab, you are asked to use CastView software to simulate the die casting process. You will be given the part geometry and the location of the gates, so you don’t have to generate your own. 

Using the CastView: You need to answer those questions using bowl.stl and bowl.gat files. 


A. Where are the first and the last places you would expect to see the solidification taking place? How can you improve the process condition (as long as the part geometry is not changed) so that the difference of solidification time can be minimized? 

B. What is the difference between the “fill pattern” and “fill distance” approaches in the filling analysis? 

C. Conduct the fill analysis using “fill pattern” and send the snapshot of the fill pattern at seq<130 

D. What is the difference between “part and die skeleton” and “fast thinning of die”? 

E. What is the difference between the “Euclidean”, “City Block” and “Chamfer approaches”? 

F. Conduct thin section analysis and indicate the sections that are thinner than 5 voxels on the part, and attach the snapshot. (Hint: Make sure that you select “part” or “part&die” Why does the thin section and thick section analysis are important? 

Brief Instructions: 

A. Install CastView. Open the attached file 

B. Using File àopen load adapter.stl file. 

C. Using Tool àDesign-àGateàLoad Gate, load adapter.gat file 

D. Go Analysis àFilling for filling analysis 

E. Go Analysis àThin section analysis for thin section analysis.