Markham Stouffville Hospital is a midsized (309 beds) institution located in the York Region of Ontario Canada. The Group Health Cooperative is a large non-profit organization that offers managed care to over 70,000 members living in south central Wisconsin area. Each organization is known for high quality health services. Each organization has made available different aspects of its quality plan. The Group Health plan is fairly broad and offers a high level overview of the lines of accountability for ensuring high quality service throughout its organization. The Markham Stouffville example is an outline its overall plan focusing on the lines of accountability within the hospital. Each document provides a different perspective on achieving high quality health services and the different levels of detail needed in defining roles and responsibilities in the hopes of achieving this goal. This assignment is intended to expose you to the content found in different quality plans and ask you to evaluate what information you find useful in moving an organization towards its quality goals. Plans that are overly broad may miss key details that would help make implementation easier to understand while plans that offer too much detail may miss some of the broader context that helps define levels of accountability and a roadmap for accomplishing each phase of the plan.
Review the Markham Stouffville Hospital and the 2016 Update of Quality Plan and Program Description from the Group Health Cooperative. For this exercise, ignore the fact that the Markham hospital is in Canada (it has no bearing on its quality pursuits). Imagine yourself as the Director of Quality for Markham Stouffville Hospital. Having read GHCs quality plan, what things were presented that would be useful to include in your Markham plan? Second, imagine yourself as the Director of Quality for GHC. Having read Markhams quality plan, what things did you find helpful that would be useful to include in your GHC plan?
Based on your review of the respective plans, complete the template attached above.
In the first columns, you are the Director of Quality for Markham. Suggest at least three changes to your administrator regarding the hospitals quality plan based on your review of the GHC plan (e.g., what important piece(s) do they include that yours does not?).
In the second columns, you are the Director of Quality for GHC. Suggest at least three changes to your administrator regarding the cooperatives quality plan based on your review of the Markham plan.
Be sure to provide a detailed explanation of each change, using a minimum of 50 words per explanation.