Emergency Preparedness Case Study
The Firemen of 9/11
Purpose: The purpose of this case study is to evaluate the needs of a population in regard to emergency preparedness. Students will apply sound clinical judgment and decision-making skills in evaluating a case study based on a real emergency, evaluating the needs of the affected community and reflecting awareness of the nurses role in preparing for and participating in emergencies.
- (1)Watch the video The Firemen of 9/11 ( approximately 40 minutes)
- (2)Reflect upon the following case study prompts:
- (3)Write your responses in an APA-formatted, academic paper that discusses the case study and your responses in a logical way. Your paper should reflect sound clinical judgment, critical thinking, and be supported by quality resources (cite your sources!).
- What were the needs of the local population during the 9/11 crisis?
- How were those needs addressed by the emergency respondents (police department, fire department, emergency medical system)?
- How might the needs of the population been addressed in a better way?
- What measures could be taken to better prepare for this type of emergency, should it occur again?
- What is the role of the nurse as part of an interdisciplinary team, to be prepared to handle emergencies of this magnitude?
Possible online resources for information to support your analysis and discussion may include, but are not limited to, sites such as those found by searching the following keywords:
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- Healthy People 2030 Preparedness
- Ready Responder
- WI Department of Health Services
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- NY Times: Fatal Confusio
- Emergency Preparedness Case Study RUBRIC
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Acceptable Unsatisfactory Assess theemergency preparedness needs of a defined population(30 points) Conductsthorough and detailed assessment of the health, health care, and emergencypreparedness needs of a defined population.30.0-28.4 points Conducts ageneral and broad assessment of the health, health care, and emergencypreparedness needs of a defined population.28.3-26.7 points Conducts ageneral assessment of the health, health care, and emergency preparednessneeds of a defined population with some gaps and inconsistencies.26.6-24.9 points Incomplete orinaccurate assessment of the health, health care, and/or emergencypreparedness needs of a defined population.24.8 points orless Apply clinicaljudgment and decision-making skills in relation to the needs of a communityduring emergency and mass casualty situations(30 points) Strong evidenceof the ability to apply sound clinical judgment and timely, prioritized,appropriate, context-driven decision-making skills during emergencysituations.30.0-28.4 points Evidence of theability to apply appropriate clinical judgment and prioritizeddecision-making skills during emergency situations.28.3-26.7 points Evidence of afoundation of capacity for clinical judgment and decision-making duringskills that are applicable to emergency situations.26.6-24.9 points Little evidenceof the capacity for clinical judgment and/or decision-making skills that areneeded in emergency situations.24.8 points orless Recognize therole of the nurse in preparing for and responding to emergency and masscasualty situations(30 points) Clearly andarticulately explains the complex role of the nurse in emergency preparednessand disaster response, with awareness of environmental factors and the risksthey pose to self and patients.30.0-28.4 points Articulatelydiscusses the general role of the nurse in emergency preparedness anddisaster response, with some awareness ofenvironmental factors and the risks they pose to self and patients.28.3-26.7 points Discusses therole of nursing in emergency preparedness and disaster response;environmental factors and the risks they pose to self and patients arementioned. Some gaps and inconsistencies present.26.6-24.9 points Discussion doesnot clearly reflect an understanding of the role of nursing in preparing forand responding to emergency situations.24.8 points orless Grammar,spelling, and APA formatting(10 points) Correct grammar,spelling, punctuation, syntax, and APA formatting; 0-1 errors noted.10.0-9.5 points Mostly correctgrammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and APA formatting; 2 errors noted.9.4-8.8 points Fair applicationof grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and APA formatting; 3 errorsnoted.8.7-8.3 points Four or moreerrors noted in grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and APA formatting.8.2 points orless