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- What are the various practice options available to the NPs in your state?
- Discuss your practice preference and reasons for choosing it.
- response to richard
- What are the various practice options available to the NPs in your state? There are multiple practice settings for nurse practitioners in Texas. You can have your own proprietorship, work in a hospital, work in a nursing home, work in a hospital, working in ER, work in urgent care, retail health, teach at a university, teach at a community college, work for the government, work as a private entrepreneur.There are four options a business structure in practice. Sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation (Buppert, 2018).Discuss your practice preference and reasons for choosing it. I prefer to have a private practice but have to continue with a cooperation while building my practice. My success and your success are closely related to factors that can be researched prior to opening a business. You must find a need for the services in the community, interest in the services to be provided, size of the potential patient pool in the community, willingness of the community to use the services of an NP and of third-party payers to reimburse NPs for services. If there are issues consider a cash business (Buppert, 2018). As you plan your future practice, ask yourself:What do you services will I offer?How will you market the services?Who will purchase the services?Where will the business be located?How big will the practice be?How will the practices activities, policies, and procedures be organized?How will expenses be covered?What are the potential problems with the business?How will those problems be dealt with?What start-up money is needed, if any?What form will start-up funds take: equity or debt?How will start-up costs be repaid?Often used to convince investors to invest or lenders to lend money to get the business started, a business plan is also an exercise that forces someone who is considering starting a business to research its feasibility and organize a plan for carrying out the business goals.After all of this consideration you will want to write a business plan. This is a 25-to-40-page plan and is used to add a small startup loan or find investors. Consultants who help medically minded NPs can cost thousands of dollars. Some NPs who have started practices have enlisted students in graduate business programs to create business plans for them as part of a class project.Nurse Practitioners are ideally positioned to be transformational leaders. As we work our way around to present health care systems in the united states we need to step up and guide others through inspiration, strength of vision, and motivating groups of people to work toward common goals (McCafferty & Reinoso, 2017)Buppert, C. (2018). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide. Jones & Bartlett Learning.McCafferty , R., & Reinoso, H. (2017). Transformational leadership: A model for advanced practice holistic nurses.
- response to ASI.
- What are the various practice options available to the NPs in your state? -Fortunately, for Nurse Practitioners there are many practice settings and options available. Settings such as outpatient clinics,hospitals,schools, telehealth, community centers, retail clinics as well as self employment are all options. More and more NP’s are going into their own practice/business and this can come with its own pros and cons. The types of practice depends on speciality, but can include: primary care, pediatrics, travel medicine, cosmetic/medspa,home health visits and nursing homes to name a few. There are barriers that can occur depending on what state you live in. For example, living in Texas you would need to have a colloborating physician onboard and this can be costly as well as difficult to find. Also, getting on certain commercial insurance plans can be a roadblock too as taking insurance is critical to improve accesibility to patients. There are also many overhead costs that are required when you have your own business and those costs need to be accounted before making this decision. Althogh, there are many options as far as praticing in Texas goes for NP’s each one should be carefully thought out as it is a longterm decision. 2. Discuss your practice preference and reasons for choosing it– My practice preference would be to not be in business by myself. I know there are many advantages to this, but with so many practice options in various settings I don’t think taking on the burden is necessary. Ideally, I would like to practice as a PMHNP in the telehealth space and or outpatient practice. A statistic that I came across regarding telepsychiatry was astonishing. The field of global Telepsychiatry Market accounted for $5.82 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach $30.34 billion by 2027. This is a large number and keeps growing. The pandemic has also played a factor in this and I believe this is where the future for psychiatry is. Down the road, I would not mind being in a leadership role or having some kind of investment in an innovative telepsych company. That is my preference and am hoping with telepsychiaty I will be able to reach so many more patients than I could in a traditional setting. Buppert, C. (2018). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide. Jones & Bartlett Learning.Research and Markets. (2020). Global Telepsychiatry.,22.9%