
How will you know if the intervention was successful? As discussed in all courses in your baccalaureate journey, nurses use the nursing process to determine what outcomes we wish to achieve with our patients and evaluate whether the nursing intervention achieved the desired outcome. In the Capstone project, students determine desired outcomes from the chosen intervention. There must be a way to evaluate whether the outcome was achieved. Referring to your NUR352E Evidence-Based Practice and Research course, think back to ways of collecting data and evidence. Outline the methods used to collect and evaluate the data to determine if the desired outcome was reached.

Course Objectives for the week are:

Unit 3: Outcomes and Evaluations

4. Select appropriate quality measures to support sustainable improvement strategies

  • Identify measurable outcomes using the SMART (Strategic, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) technique.
  • Describe necessary changes in knowledge, skills, and attitudes for sustainable change.
  • Describe how the outcomes measurement data will be collected and analyzed

6. Interpret the ethical, legal, and professional values utilized within an evidence-based project.

  • Outline steps to protect participant’s confidentiality and/or health information.
  • Outline steps taken to protect vulnerable populations (minors, pregnant women, older adults with cognitive dysfunction).

Reflecting on current EBP research and expert opinion, list one to two desired outcomes for your proposed project. How will you collect and evaluate the data to determine if you meet the desired outcome(s)?

Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words and use proper APA formatting and style. A minimum of two (2) references must be used in the initial post (one of which must be from a scholarly journal article). All references must be current (published within the past 5 years). Initial post must be supported by in-text citations of all references