
LA4 Learning Activity: Bottled Air?

The idea of selling and buying water in individual-sized bottles was ridiculous thirty years ago–why on Earth would people buy water in bottles, when it is virtually free from water fountains and the tap? People simply weren’t this gullible…right? It was so laughable, that the popular 1980s sitcom The Golden Girls had an episode based on selling water in bottles to “stupid people” as a get-rich-quick scheme. Fast-forward to now, and bottled water sales globally are a billion dollar industry!

So, when one thinks of buying and selling individual bottles of AIR from the store shelves–not bottles of oxygen-enhanced air for those with medical needs, but air that is captured from a pristine mountain landscape for the regular consumer–are they thinking the same that was thought thirty years ago? There is even an entire endeavor called “air farming”–where those with plastic bags on sticks capture “wild air” to be sold to a consumer (see photo below)

Instructions for this Assignment: Read the article and watch the accompanying video about a start-up company in Canada that is doing just this–and making a tidy profit. After reading the article and watching the video, please write at least three paragraphs with your opinion on the content of both. Include: How do you feel about this? Do you think this will be our future in 20 years, just like bottled water being such a normal part of our society? Is this a foolish idea that will never materialize, or is this a huge future investment possibility you would invest in? If there are billions of dollars to be made by selling individual bottles of air, will this somehow de-incentivise our govenments interest in passing air pollution laws to keep it clean?

video (1 minute, 46 seconds):

Article (“Canadian start-up sells bottled air to China, says sales booming”):…