- Identify a Service MemberIdentify a service member to interview from your hometown, city, county, or state, (OHIO) Gather background information through a personal interview with your selected veteran, including:
- Why he/she joined the service
- Which branch of the military they served in
- Their role in the military, including length of service and type of service
- Summarize any combat, memorable experiences, or travel
- List medals and/or citations
- Record a fond memory or a struggle
- Summarize any discrimination they encountered
- Summarize their healthcare needs
- Gather information about their acclimation back to civilian life, including:
- Pressure or stress
- Family life
- Healthcare/community resources
- Belonging to any veteran organizations, attendance at any reunions, or contact with former unit members
- Chronic or ongoing healthcare needs and how they are being met
- Thank the veteran for the interview and then use this information to provide a healthcare analysis for this veteran.
- Provide a Service Member Healthcare Analysis
- Identify a healthcare need for this veteranthe need may be physical, psychological, or psychosocial in nature.
- Research local resources that could be used to address the selected healthcare need and explore how to access the resource.
- Describe how this resource correlates with an existing nursing theory.
- Select a Healthy People 2030 topic and objective that is addressed by the resource.
- Reflect Summarize your interview and your healthcare analysis based on your research.
- What actions will you take to impact your community’s knowledge and access to the available resources for veterans?
- What actions will you take to ensure that local healthcare providers have the knowledge of available resources for veterans (including your own employment setting)?
- Prepare a pamphlet for the veteran interviewed
- Highlight available resources specific to his/her needs
Course Objectives:
1. Analyze the specialization of community health nursing based on knowledge synthesized from the humanities, sciences, nursing theory and research.
4. Demonstrate critical thinking, leadership skills, and professional behaviors associated with the completion of course requirements.
7. Utilize strategies for health promotion and disease prevention in population focused care.
8. Collaborate with members of the health care team to coordinate nursing care in the community.
Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
- This Assignment is worth 60 points.
- Review the Assignment Rubric for more details on grading.
- Make sure your assignment does not contain any grammatical errors.
Submission Guidelines
Submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. For the title of this Word document, use your last name first, then Module5_Assignment (example: Smith_Module5_ Assignment).
A minimum of three files will be uploaded for this assignment.
- Complete the anti-plagiarism checklist with your name, date, and checks for each question.
- Your paper should be submitted in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1 margins and use APA (7th ed.) style for in-text citations and references. The paper should be 34 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages and should reflect your preparation and your experience during the community activity interview. The submission in Canvas will be integrated into TURNITIN and an originality report will be generated for your benefit. Your final submission will be graded.
- Submit the pamphlet you prepared for the veteran that highlights resources available to help meet his/her specific needs.