
For your second campaign critique you will be critiquing the Miss Clairol ad campaign. Remember, you should use the chapters in Twenty AdsThat Shook the World as well as Adcult to help you answer these questions. There are also presentations, videos, and additional readings each week that will help you write your critique.

  1. What were the important environmental factors (such as the economic, cultural/societal, legal/governmental, or business opportunities) that gave rise to a particular campaign?
  2. Who were the major players in the creation and execution of the campaign, product, or idea?
  3. How was the campaign, idea, or product “disruptive” for its time?
  4. What current advertising campaign or ad do you believe uses some of the principles used in the campaign you critiqued? Briefly explain why.

Your paper should be 1 page typed, the answers numbered, and should be formatted using MLA.