
The Look Book must include:

  • Graphic Title page ( Key Art , Poster Art, Title Page) This can be created from a graphics, stock footage, or anything that can convey the feeling of the project, character drawings , etc. This should be first page.
  • Then create an opening Look Book overview with the following:
    • Budget Amount ( the Ask Amount)
    • Type of Project, Genre, TV/Film (TV: limited or on going), Location: NY and Europe, Time: Present Day or 1900s, Log Line of the story (a short 2 line description of your project concept and/or story)
  • Make sure your ENTIRE presentation makes sense. Choose the font, text size, graphics, color scheme and visual feeling for the entire presentation and keep it that way. Each page should have a title or header.
  • Use proper grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and above else be ENGAGING!!!! If it is boring to read it is boring to pitch.
  • Then include the Full Synopsis (Create a full detailed page or more of project story line 1-3 page max) If this is TV you will need to have all your first season episodes done ( i.e. 1-10 episodes with a short paragraph of each and title of each) Please detail out your full season synopsis arch . This would be the same if you are doing a Web-series.
  • Insert THREE (3) Comparable films with budget and profits that are similar to your film. Comparable sheet if this is for film. (

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