
1. Readings (Art in Theory) for March 21, 2019

  • Wassily Kandinsky 82-89
  • Claes Oldenburg 743-747
  • Andy Warhol 747-749
  • Read about “Out of the Lab: An Interview with John Maeda”

  • The Wide, Wide World of Graphic Design by Rozina Vavetsi

Readings Response

Now that you have read many artist thoughts, philosophies, beliefs, ideas, etc., write a paragraph on any theme that directly affects you from these readings. We will read them in class next week.

2. Review your “Writings” assignments from Feb 14, 21 and 28. Of the themes we have discussed such as your thoughts and creative processes, what your art is about, your beliefs, formalities and content of your art, dreams, bad feelings and joy. Please review your writings on these themes and write a two-paragraph summary about these. Bring it and share it with the class on March 21 and afterwards I will collect them.

3. Read Chapter 2 and 3 (Talking to Collectors and Expanding the Area of Sales and Income) in The Business of Being an Artist