The assignment is to select an article that talks about “Process Management —-Lean and Six Sigma In the Supply Chain” and explain the article.
-It must be CURRENT and from a credible business media source.
– we also have to tie the article to the chapter. I listed the chapter topics below. So in the writing, you have to explain at some point how the article ties to one or two topics listed below.
- Lean Production and the Toyota Production System
- 8-2Lean Thinking and Supply Chain Management
- 8-3The Elements of Lean
- 8-3aWaste Elimination
- 8-3bLean Supply Chain Relationships
- 8-3cLean Layouts
- 8-3dManufacturing Cells
- 8-3eInventory and Setup Time Reduction
- 8-3fSmall Batch Production Scheduling
- 8-3gContinuous Improvement
- 8-3hWorkforce Commitment
- 8-4Lean Systems and the Environment
- 8-5The Origins of Six Sigma Quality
- 8-6Comparing Six Sigma and Lean
- 8-6aLean Six Sigma
- 8-7Six Sigma and Supply Chain Management
- 8-8The Elements of Six Sigma