Chapters 19, 20, 21
“For Module 3: American Empire, The Progressive Era and World War I & Its Aftermath Discussion, you first need to read chapters 19, 20 and 21 in the textbook, The American Yawp. Then, in D2L read the primary source documents, namely The White Mans Burden: Kiplings Hymn to US Imperialism (chapter 19), The Jungle (excerpts) (chapter 20) and President Woodrow Wilsons Fourteen Points (chapter 21). All of these primary sources are found under the Primary Sources folders in D2L for chapters 19, 20 and 21 respectively. You can locate the Primary Sources folder for each chapter in D2L by going to the Content Items tab, the sub-tab Content and then clicking on “Primary Sources” folder for the chapter you need to access.
Once you have done all of that, you are ready to write your Discussion Post for Module 3: Module 3: American Empire, The Progressive Era and World War I & Its Aftermath. Remember, it is highly recommended that you first write your Discussion Post in Microsoft Word or a similar word processing program and save it before you submit it on the D2L Discussion forum for this Module. For your Discussion Post, you need to answer the questions in two separate paragraphs and respond to two of your classmates Discussion Posts. Please note which paragraph you are responding to (e.g. Paragraph 1-2 and Paragraph 3) in your Discussion Post. Please answer the questions, but do not repeat them within the text of your Discussion Post. The questions and instructions for Paragraph 1-2 and Paragraph 3, as well as instructions for your responses, are below.
Paragraph 1-2 (two paragraphs, approximately 4-6 sentences each):
The period between 1890 and 1920 is typically referred to as the Progressive Era for the Progressive movement, a movement that sought to address the problems of the Gilded Age. The Progressive Era saw many changes in the United States, both at home and with Americas place in the world.
What were the worst problems domestically (within the United States) of the Gilded Age that the Progressive movement effectively dealt with by 1920? What in turn were the biggest mistakes of the Progressive movement? Overall, should historians consider the Progressive movement as a failure or a success? Why or why not?
Using footnotes and the Turabian citation style (see the Discussions Guideline), please remember to at least cite at least one source from materials assigned for chapters 19, 20 and 21 (the chapters, primary source documents and Module images) in your paragraphs.undefined
Paragraph 3 (approximately 4-6 sentences):
How did Americas role in the world change between 1890 and 1920? Especially keep in mind the Spanish-American War and its aftermath (e.g. American involvement in Latin American and the Philippines) as well as the First World War. Did the United States become a force for global peace and trade in this period or simply another imperial power such as Britain, France and Japan that took over and ruled over peoples as part of a colonial Empire in this period? Explain your answer.
Using footnotes and the Turabian citation style (see the Discussions Guideline), please remember to at least cite at least one source from materials assigned for chapters 19, 20 and 21 (the chapters, primary source documents and Module images) in your paragraph.