
  1. Read: Excerpts from Guerrilla Warfare by Ernesto Guevara. I have scanned the relevant passages (pages attached). The passages (from my printing) are on pages 87 – 92: “Organization in Secret of the First Guerrilla Band” and “Defense of Power that Has Been Won.”
  2. Answer the following questions completely, thoughtfully, and to the best of your ability.
  3. All answers need to be in the form of complete sentences in formal written English.
  4. Thorough full paragraphs per question
  5. Please proofread your writing.


  1. What are the factors that make it difficult to initiate a guerrilla band? How does a guerrilla organization overcome those difficulties, according to Che? Provide quotations from the texts and explain what those quotations mean.
  2. In the transition from revolutionary war to revolutionary rule: what potential issues or concerns should a guerrilla leader prioritize? How are these issues addressed, and why do you think Che promotes the type of solutions he does?Provide quotations from the texts and explain what those quotations mean.