
Based on course materials and Self-Insights, identify the key concepts/lessons learned in thiscourse, analyze the strengths & areas for further improvement you bring to team leader, member, andspeaker roles, and develop a plan to become even better in all of them in the last seven weeks.• The body of your paper should be 5-6 pages long, excluding the cover page and table of contents.Please use Normal Margins, Times New Roman 12-size font, 1.15 spacing, and aim for being bothcomprehensive & concise in your writing. Please include:o Cover page and Table of Contents;o Introduction (0.5 pages): briefly describe your approach to this assignment.o What I Learned About Leading, Following & Speaking w. Confidence (2-3 pages):provide a concise summary of the top 7-10 concepts/lessons you learned in the first sevenweeks of this course and explain why they matter to you personally. Use class terminology,but DO NOT just copy class material/definitions.o This is Me: two parts – Summary (1 page, use template provided on next page) -summarizeresults of individual Self-Insights & what they mean to you; Integration (1 page) – identifythemes that may have emerged as well as strengths and areas for further improvement;provide examples from personal and professional life to illustrate your key points.o From Now ON (1 page): based on identified strengths and areas for improvement, create arelevant and substantive action plan to become an even better team leader, member andspeaker, starting with the second part of this course and your Major Team Assignment!Please use the Start-Stop-Continue action plan template provided on following pagesand elaborate on each action item in a short paragraph.