1.Consider the Japanese-American internment during WWII and how war undermined basic freedoms for Japanese Americans. Two thirds were native-born citizens. In February 1942, FDR issued Executive Order 9066 to order the relocation of all persons of Japanese descent. 110,000 Japanese-Americans, men women and children left their homes to live in large relocation camps behind barbed wire fences and armed guards.
2.Explore this website to understand more about the internment experience.
3.Examine 15 to 20 images, read 15 to 20 interviews or letters and make a note of the documents pertaining to the Internment of the Japanese people during World War II.
4.Construct an essay that considers the Japanese experience.
Make sure you have a thesis statement. This is an argument, your point for writing the paper.
When you have completed the essay please read the following AND
include a statement that you have indeed read it with the submission.
PLEASE READ: Outline for grading your paper:
Check if you can answer yes to each of the following:
Do I have a title? ( A good one engages the readers interest)
1.Do I have a thesis statement?
2. Is this thesis statement a single sentence that clearly articulates my argument at the end of the introductory paragraph?
3.Do I ground my thesis in historical context?
Body of the Paper:
4. Do I use my thesis to drive the material in the body of my paper ?
5.Do I write topic sentences?
6. Do I present and analyze evidence?
7.Do I show an understanding of the material?
8.Do I utilize specific references rather than generalizations?
9.Does my conclusion encapsulate my argument?
10.Is my paper free from grammatical errors and typos?
11.Have I cited my material according to the Chicago Manual of Style?