Paper 2 (word file):
On a (ONE) current research article (original research, article will be organized as Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) on the selected hormone (same as the hormone in paper 1). Sections (format) of your paper, other than the title and literature cited
(1) Introduction that states the headings of the sections of the content,
(2) Content that is organized into sections and subsections (combine information from the introduction, methods, results and discussion of the article into the subsection corresponding to it), and contains the information in the research article (format of your paper-2 is the same as that of paper-1) (include figures in the article), and
(3) Conclusion that states the main information in each of the subsections/sections of the content and provides a thesis (of the article) and an original thought (yours).
The selection of the article (its breadth and depth) is critical to the quality of your paper.
-adapt the figures to create your own adaptation of the figure
-Must be a research article, cant use a review article, book chapter, online (non-article) information
-Must be thorough/complete
-must be organized
-must show that you understand the information
-cite source(s) completely (provide link(s) below the citation)
Checklist Paper 2:
- Article= a (ONE) research article, will be organized as Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections. The quality/thoroughness of your paper depends on the depth of the article you select
- Paper has 3 main parts (Introduction, content, and conclusion) in bold, centered
- Introduction, lists the headings/subheadings in Content section
- Content, the headings (of sections) are in bold/italics; the subheadings (of subsections) are underlined
- No plagiarism, written in your own words. The verbatim sentences, authors words, are within quotations
- (a) adapted the figure(s) in article to create your own adaptations of the figure(s), (b) placed in quotes (quotations) the original figure (as in article), below your created figure
- Paper is thorough/complete, all of the info in the article is present in the paper
- Conclusion, states the main information, in one sentence each, of each of the sections/subsections of the content.
- Conclusion, provides a thesis (of the article) and an original thought (yours). Use the word thesis in stating the theses, and give the specifics instead of general statements