
Please respond to 2 discussion questionslisted below. Please send it back with one response per page and keep themnumbered .

********NUMBERONE Respond to part one discussion answer:(PAGE ONE)

Obstaclesthat can prevent teachers attend PD training are a limited number of trainingcourses, traveling distance of schools or centers being used, lack of use oftechnology to reduce the number of handouts given (paper means clutter), andthe offering or planning of irrelevant courses (lack on interest. As a teacher,I believe that I can still show my support to my district higher-ups andcontinue to fill- out surveys to convey the areas of interest of PD trainingcourses. Keep communications open with administrators, specialists, and teacherleaders informed of areas I am having challenges with. I am not the type ofteacher to throw my hands up in the air and wait — I’m a doer, I make calls,send emails, and make noise by advocating for the needs of my students withspecial needs, I have done the same for my ELLs and any student that requireslearning interventions. The only times I’ve hit a wall is when state ordistrict policies stand in the way, but I do not give up. Teachers can alsoovercome obstacles mainly using the power of prayer, God will also guide you toknow what to do and say. His spirit is my secret weapon against adversity –it’s about His little ones.

*********NUMBER TWO Respond topart two discussion question answer:(PAGE 2)

I have to list socioculturalinclusion and instructional strategies primarily because within the last fiveyears of teaching in this area there’s been an increase in ethnic diversity.Five years ago, the school population was white, it still is; however, thestats for my school now show an increase in Hispanics mostly new to the publicschool system with little to no second language training. It took 2 years tofind and hire a bilingual teacher ESL certified with experience. Because of theinflux of different cultures majority of the teachers that have been teachingfor 10 or more years had a difficult time with classroom management and thenumber of students ended up in my classroom for behavioral interventions and todevelop socio-emotional coping skills. I truly believe that teachers,administrators, and staff need this PD training as well. You cannot teach usingthe same teaching methods and strategies when your classroom cultural dynamicsare changing. Yes, the curriculum can remain the same but teachers need tothink about bilingual communication, language development, materials, andcultural assimilation — this should also be the focus on a yearly basis formandatory PD training; and can someone please find updated bilingual teachingand learning programs and materials to use. Just sharing my opinion based on myexperience as an ESL student once upon a time and an ESE/EBD/ESE certifiedbilingual teacher.

Requirements: 250 perdiscussion response (2 total)