Need help with my Macro Economics question – Im studying for my class.
1.Write about Economic Growth – in a paragraph format – a series of questions such as: What is the economic grpwth ? What are its tools? Who decides it?
Paragraph that is logical, sequential in its development, and to the point.
2. analyze the newspaper article listed below. What you write technically, and provide information about on point 1, must be applied on page 2…
3: Graphs
-All graphs must have titles (placed above the graph).
– The graph required is an economic model graph (i.e. AD& AS, Aggregate Expenditure…) – No statistical, bar, or pie graphs.
– All axes must be labeled and in correct measurable units.
– All curves labeled, and all equilibrium points labeled.
– The graph should match/ explain what you have written on page 2.
Discuss the technical/ theoretical information, and the questions you must answer about economic growth concept. You need to answer – in a paragraph format – a series of questions such as: What is the economic growth? What are its tools? Who decides it?
Write this in paragraph form, so it is logical, sequential in its development, and to the point. No need for long introductions that consume the space on the page . There is no need to site information you use on point 1. You are not allowed to use quotes. Please use your own words.
I have also attached an example of how the paper should look. It is the article that I have attached that needs to be analyzed. I attached the paper for your reference to understand what I am looking for.