
This is a short paper assignment which includes both positive and normative analysis. One point of interest is the use of economic models.  The other point of interest is the possible relationship between state government opening/closing policies and the incidence of COVID-19 infections.  For the purposes of this paper it is accepted that infection rates are a causal factor affecting economic activity.  Elements 2) and 3) are the most important part of the assignment.

1.  Start by providing background on state opening/closing policies. An article listed as “Washington Post state openings” is a good place to start but is a bit old. There is a link to the article in the homepage module. The article is also posted to the Coronavirus folder in Files. This will provide some information on the topic, especially different states’ policies.  You should consider recent sources but it is not mandatory. Citations required.

2.  Discuss other factors that might affect infection rates and identify  “all-else-constant” assumptions.  You might employ outside sources. Include possible mitigation strategies to allow better isolation of the state-policy/infection-rate point of interest.

3. Access the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard through the link  on the homepage basic-tools module. On the JHU homepage you will find a link to “Tracking.”  Then you will see this link: “Timeline of COVID-19 policies, cases, and, deaths in your state.”  This provides access to the type of interactive graphs we viewed in class.  Pick two states to conduct analysis. These are at your discretion but keep in mind your all-else-constant issues as you choose. Observe the data and see what relationships might exist, or not, between opening/closing policy and infection rates. You should enhance this section by describing the specific state policies associated with the opening/closing lines on the graphs.  By clicking on a line you can view the policy adopted on the date of the line.  Understand that nothing is conclusive here but you can certainly draw some initial observations. Present your analytical findings.

4.  Normative analysis. Draw some conclusions from all the information you considered in your paper on what you think policies should be.  REMEMBER THIS IS AN ECONOMICS CLASS.  Based on your analysis provide your opinion on opening/closing policy as regards economic effects.