1. After reviewing the national Terrorism Advisory System, write your own sample alert. Your sample alert should be based on a situation that may actually occur in your community.
2. Select a location within your community that would be considered critical infrastructure and complete the Five Step CIP process found on page 4 for the location you selected. Describe the countermeasures you would take to protect the example you chose (Minimum 200 words, Maximum 300 words).
3. Create a PowerPoint presentation (4 slides) for a group of emergency responders. The PowerPoint presentation should include all of the following:
A summary of the important parts of the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace
Examples of past cyber attacks on the United states
The importance of information systems
The possible economic impacts of a cyber attack
4. Many experts believe that the next terrorist attack is a question of when not if. What do you think is more likely, a cyber attack or an attack using a WMD?
Explain your answer and post it to the discussion forum (Minimum 150 words).
5. In this scenario, a terrorist group conducts cyber attacks that affect several parts of the nations financial infrastructure over the course of several weeks. Specifically, credit-card processing facilities are hacked and numbers are released to the Internet, causing 20 million cards to be cancelled; automated teller machines (ATMs) fail nearly simultaneously across the nation; major companies report payroll checks are not being received by workers; and several large pension and mutual fund companies have computer malfunctions so severe that they are unable to operate for more than a week. Individually, these attacks are not dangerous but combined, they shatter faith in the stability of the system. Citizens no longer trust any part of the U.S. financial system and foreign speculators make a run on the dollar.
In a one-page paper (maximum 250 words), describe how this attack would affect emergency response organizations.
6. Which threat “hackers, terrorists, or foreign governments” do you think is the most dangerous to the interests of the United States? Explain your answer and post it to the discussion forum.
7. When a community begins the process of vulnerability analysis what are the characteristics that need to be identified?
8. What is the goal of vulnerability assessments?
9. Why was the World Trade Center a predictable target?
10. Who should be on the Vulnerability Assessment Team?
11. Who is responsible for prioritizing the protection of critical infrastructure assets?
12. Describe the possible effects of a cyber attack that disables the 911 system in your local jurisdiction.
13. Which critical infrastructure sector is most vulnerable to a cyber attack? Write a paragraph explaining your answer.
14. In your opinion, what is the most important strategy or tactic local emergency response agencies can implement to help prevent or mitigate an attack on its critical infrastructures?
15. Do you think the United States is prepared to prevent attacks against its critical infrastructure?
Write a paragraph explaining your answer.