
The objectives for this assignment include:


  • Recognize the connection between caring for self and providing caring support behaviors to others.
  • Discuss the relationships between practicing nonviolence, caring and ethical behavior.
  • Describe the meaning of human responses associated with human caring, using analytical and interpretive skills, as well as reflection. 
  • Utilize critical thinking skills to acquire a deeper understanding of the human condition.
  • Appreciate the complexity of the human response in celebrating achievements or coping with life challenges. 

Create a product to demonstrate personal learning and reflection related to the experience of human caring and non-violence.

Your summary project must include all of the following elements:

  • Discuss what you have learned about caring and nonviolence 
  • Discuss the theme, topic or person that impacted you most in enhancing your understanding of caring and nonviolence
  • Reflective of the course objectives
  • Connect to ideas from class discussions, as well as the ideas of the presented scholars.
  • Connect to class readings, outside sources and/or personal experiences
  • Prompts and/or questions to stimulate and guide the in-class discussion. 

Your summary project can take the form of an online presentation, online poster, online brochure, or a written paper. IT MUST BE NARRATED, REGARDLESS OF THE FORMAT. MOST CHOOSE TO DO A PPT OR PREZI; IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO A PAPER, THEN YOU SHOULD DO A 5 MIN. NARRATED SUMMARY. If you wish to use a different presentation method, check with the faculty. 

Individual student projects will be presented on-line, NARRATED,  via discussion board and reflected and responded to by class as outlined in the course syllabus. Presentations must be 5 minutes at a minimum. Be creative!


Technology options


Here are resources to assist you if you choose to utilize an online technology for your project. 
