I need someone to finish writing the essay I’ve already. The essay is on illegal immigration. I am writing an essay amnesty for illegal immigration is bad. You job is to take the author’s opposition and argue against their position using the sources. For example, the author argue that illegal immigrants boost the economy and do jobs that American are not willing to do for low pay. I want you to argue that illegal immigrants help the owner class but hurt working class American especially African Americans. I addition, they also keep the wages low, which provide incentive companies to not increase the minimum wage
You’re are rebutting against an author by the name of Ed Krayewski who wrote an article called, ” 5 Reasons to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants”. YOU MUST READ THE ARTICLE. Here is the link of the article…
I uploaded my introduction to hello you get started. My introduction word count is 388 and must be 1,200 word count ( excluding name, date, professor’s name). I also uploded my firend’s essay to provide you with an example on how its supposed to be done,
Here are his five points. Your are to argue against his five reasons for amnesty using the creditable sources.
1.Immigration is good for the economy
2.Illegal Immigrants already pay taxes
3.Most illegal immigrants are otherwise law-abiding
4.Immigration is a natural right
5.There are too many illegal immigrants to do anything else.
Below are sources to help you get started.
- You should use 3-5 sources for this essay. At least two of your sources must be academic sources. Feel fre to use other sources but as long as they are academic sources.
.…5 Reasons to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants……
I will provided you with the sources you’ll need for assignment, The sources must all be academic sources. There must be no palalgrism nor can there can ANY grammatical errors. PLEASE proofread the essay at least 4 times before submitting it to me. Here are the instructions!
- Write a letter to your opposition. Craft a letter to your specific person or organization, and refute their arguments.
- Introduction: Directly address your audience (your opposition). Explain the controversy, as you understand it. Establish common ground between your perspectives. End with a thesis that states your position.
- Counterargument: Examine your oppositions main arguments one at a time, and refute them. Directly address their claims and positions on the issue, and then argue against those claims. Give direct support for your rebuttal arguments. Use evidence to support your arguments against the author’s points.
- Conclusion: Synthesize your main arguments. Re-establish common ground, and let your reader know what you want them to do, think, or feel after reading your essay. What are your readers next steps?
- Tips for Success:
- Create a correctly formatted Works Cited page with an entry for each source you cite within your essay.
- Be sure to tailor your arguments and support to your specific audience (your opposition), and address that audience directly. Incorporate their specific arguments, and refute them directly.
- Be sure your rebuttal arguments are supported by clear reasons and relevant evidence.
- Your essay should be approximately 1,200 words.
- You should use 3-5 sources for this essay. At least two of your sources must be academic sources.
- Remember to arrange your information placing what you think is the most important information last.
- Your essay should contain 2-3 quotations from your sources, and should paraphrase other main ideas. Use your sources effectively, and stay in control of your argument. Be sure to use quotation marks and in-text citations appropriately and responsibly.
- Please be sure to use correct MLA Style for your essay and to create an MLA Worked cited page