? Just answer each question
? Be concise & thorough.
? Really try to understand whats going on
?Use your own words to explain that you understand, define terms as necessary
What is it? What causes it? This is an autoimmune disorder in which antibodies are produced specific to TSH receptors, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone receptors found on the thyroid gland. The antibodies actually stimulate the TSH receptors.
What specifically is happening in the body at the tissue level? (blood, gland, …)The thyroid gland becomes stimulated as if it received TSH and reacts by increasing thyroid hormone production and secretion (causing hypersecretion of TH or hyperthyroidism) and increases growth of the thyroid gland (a goiter). The high TH leads to a suppression of TRH & TSH from the hypothalamo-pituitary axis.
What are the obvious symptoms of the disorder? (what could suggest Addisons to you in a new patient?)The hyperthyroidism results in a greatly accelerated metabolic rate, with the patient becoming very hot sweaty, and excited. This is often associated with unexplained weight loss and often feeling of anxiety. The goiter becomes obvious and a similar protein behind the eyes becomes inflamed resulting in exophthalmos (a bulging of the eyes).
What is the overall effect of the disorder? how does it affect immediate and long term heath? The overall effects resulting from those mentioned above can result in physical exhaustion and an inability to concentrate and focus. The elevated metabolic rate can be sympathomimetic (mimicing the sympathetic nervous system), leading to hypertension (high blood pressure) and other cardiovascular problems.
How is it medically treated and/or what is the medical advice for those suffering from the disorder? Is there a cure?Graves is typically treated by the removal of the thyroid gland followed by thyroxine (T4) replacement medication. Anti-inflammatory medication can be used to treat the exophthalmos
Cushings DiseaseWhat is it? Differentiate exogenous, primary, secondary & even ectopic forms of the disease or disorder.
Make sure you use the bold lettered questions for identifying “cushing disease/ addisons”