Write a 3-5 page paper that analyzes the changes that have occurred in medical education from the 1800s to today. Compare and contrast the apprenticeship and academic models of medical education and provide examples.
Much has changed in American medicine since the establishment of the first medical school in 1765 at the College of Philadelphia. At that time, physicians had very little professional training, and much of their training was unregulatedas was the treatment they provided to patients. As the medical profession became more established and education became more formal, the rules governing who could practice medicine also became more formal and restricted.
With the formation of the American Medical Association (AMA) in 1876, more medical schools required a four-year degree in order to qualify for medical practice, and the attempt to focus on quality became stronger. However, since many physicians were already from the “old school,” it was difficult to make the necessary changes that might restrict or diminish those educated earlier. Not until outside organizations began to exert pressure to enforce standards in education did improvements in training begin to be seen.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
- Competency 3: Analyze the development of medical education in the United States.
- Analyze the scope of change in medical education from the 1800s to today.
- Compare and contrast the apprenticeship model and the academic model of medical education.
- Analyze why it is important to understand the history of medicine in order to improve medical education.
- Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others.
For this assessment, you will analyze the changes that have occurred in medical education from the 1800s to today.
Write a 35 page paper that addresses the following points:
- Analyze the scope of change in medical education from the 1800s to today.
- Compare and contrast the apprenticeship and academic models of medical education.
- How have the two evolved over time?
- Evaluate the importance of understanding the history in order to help improve medical education in the future.
- Provide examples that illustrate your points.
Organize your paper using the following headings (these headings are required):
- Title Page.
- Introduction.
- Preview the main themes of your paper.
- The Changing Scope of Medical Education.
- Analyze the scope of change in medical education from the 1800s to today.
- Apprenticeship Model versus Academic Model.
- Describe both models.
- Compare and contrast their features.
- Analyze how they have evolved over time.
- Improving Medical Education by Understanding History.
- Evaluate the importance of understanding the history of medical education in order to help improve medical education in the future.
- Conclusion.
- Summarize the main themes of your paper.
- References.
Resources: The History of Medical Education
- APA 7 Sample Paper in PDF Format
Posted on: Saturday, February 20, 2021 9:50:50 AM CSTPosted by: Yvonne AllesPosted to: BHA-FPX4002 – Winter 2021 – Section 01 - APA 7 Blog to help with citation of a website
Posted on: Monday, February 15, 2021 7:43:34 AM CST… - As you prepare for your assessment, consider the following:
- Examine the difference between internships and fellowships. Why must physicians complete an internship?
- How has medical education changed since the 1800s?
- Consider the strengths and weaknesses of medical education. What are some potential opportunities for the future?
- Medical Education
You may wish to review these optional resources to help you as you prepare for the assessment: - Another step in higher medical education. (2016). JAMA, 316(21), 2280.
- Bui, T. (2012). Effectively training the hospice and palliative medicine physician workforce for improved end-of-life health care in the United States. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 29(6), 417420.
- Eva, K. W. (2016). Reflections on our current history. Medical Education, 50(11), 10801081.
- Sugand, K., Metcalfe, D., Arya, D., & Akhtar, K. (2013). History lessons in medical education: A current necessity? Surgical Practice, 17(1), 1821.
- Young, K. M., & Kroth, P. J.(2018). Health care USA: Understanding its organization and delivery (9th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Available from the Bookstore.
- Chapter 6, “Medical Education and the Changing Practice of Medicine,” pages 141168.
- Chapter 7, “The Health Care Workforce,” pages 169200.
- Thompson, A. E. (2014). JAMA patient page. A physician’s education. JAMA, 312(22), 2456.
- Walsh, K. (2015). Cost in medical education: One hundred and twenty years ago. Advances in Health Science Education, 20(4), 11071110
- APA 7 Blog to help with citation of a websiteAPA 7 Sample Paper in PDF Format
- There are a lot of people already using APA 7 so this might be a helpful tool (even if you have not yet transitioned). I keep a laminated copy right by my computer so I can check on anything that is confusing. A few notes that are key points:1. APA 6 has the Running head: ALL CAPS on title page for header. APA 7 has only the page #.2. Neither version (ever) has the word Introduction as a heading. No matter what any directions may tell you, it is not correct APA in either version to use that word as a heading.3. For references of more than two authors, APA 7 uses only the first one and then et al., No period after et and no comma after the name of the first author.4. APA 7 does not use the words Retrieved from or the Retrieved date in the references. Glance at the sample paper to see how this should look. Also, if it is a book, the place of publication is not needed.5. Periods go on the outside of the parenthesis and not before them (Alles, 2021). 6. Don’t use first names or degrees in your references, and also don’t include any degrees such as PhD, MD, JD, MA, etc.Enough for now, but be sure to print out the sample and learn one new item a day
- Fixing spacing to APA
Have a peek at this quick video on Spacing … This is a must watch to fix your APA academic paper.…¶m1=d7b1d017-b946-426c-a09a-b85ce48cf29a_2021-02-08_cr¶m2=ds_direct_jan21¶m3=ngc_22.20.5.39_wk07_2021¶m4=1000&source=direct&p=utube+for+paragraph+spacing+word&type=cr_ds_jan21_wk07_2021#id=19&vid=a8fd9159b93ec0608b7d965d9c3e813e&action=view